Aura Makiko Koie

 Aura Makiko Koie's photo Book

Collection of "From the series of P".

The entire photograph was jam-packed with people—
nothing known about when, where, or why they were gathered together.
But I was overwhelmed by the invisible excitement, strange energy, and soundless roar
that emanated from the eyes of this mass of people.

—It isn’t incidental to the subjects;
there is something that enfolds each individual subject
and surpasses the world of mere feeling—a power that deeply touches the soul.

(Excerpt from text of Shuji Takashina)

◆Size:w23.2×h30.6×d1.5cm ◆112pages ◆Hardcover ◆Price:5,250yen
◆Text:Shuji Takashina(Director, Ohara Museum of Art)
◆Art direction:Hideki Nakajima 
◆Publication year:January 31,2011
◆Publisher:Seigensha Art Publishing,Inc.


AMAZON Seigensha Art Publishing,Inc.